WL:VoteMobs 1.17.1

WL:VoteMobs [Forge] Mod 1.17.1 adds 3 new mobs that the owner announced before Minecraft Live 2021. Let’s discover their name, habits, and everything they have now!


About WL:VoteMobs Content

There are 3 mobs that you have never seen before in-game. They are:


Spawns in caves

Loves eating glowberries. Give him some and he will go after you for a short time. Remember to seek areas dark enough so mobs can spawn!


Appears in Soul Sand Valleys

He really likes noteblocks. If you play a note on that block, he will instantly stick to it.

You can grant him an item and he will look for the same stuff on the ground nearby. Next, bring and drop those objects next to the noteblock.

Copper Golem

You are able to set up it with the copper block and pumpkin.

It always wants to press copper buttons.

It oxidizes gradually and freezes into a statue afterward.

You can remove oxide with an axe and a lightning strike.

Other information

The developer plans to add all mobs that they have lost.

Besides, they may add the waxing copper golem ability as configurable.

WL:VoteMobs is a world gen mod that is obtainable with new mobs.


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Minecraft Mod 1.17.1

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