LibrarianLib Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2/1.10.2 is a library mod for mods of TeamWizardry. It is possible to make every problem relating to models since update 1.7.10 become easier to deal with.
LibrarianLib Overview
It is a creation by that team.
After the 1.7.10 release, people feel uncomfortable because models are much harder. Besides, there are things that have never been easy or simple to carry out in modding. GUIs often take a lot of manual effort. Additionally, it’s very difficult to save tiles.
Download the present solution and you can escape those issues.
List of stuff that the group supported:
Creating models that are not there (can disable)
Automatic registration of item colors, models, state mappers, and whichever about models
Auto-sync tile entity fields and packet fields marked with @Save (may require a few setups)
A GUI library so construction and design GUIS will happen smoothly
LibrarianLib is a mod to improve your life’s quality. Install Minecraft Forge to begin!