TESLA Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2/1.10.2 is an API and Library mod for Minecraft. It allows for the interaction between items, blocks, and entities from many mods.
The purpose of this library is to integrate the same type of mod together. All items, blocks, as well as entities from lots of mods, will react to each other through the Tesla power network like the Solar Village. For your information, TESLA is also a useful energy source like other sources in the game. Hence, players tend to make use of it to help all elements interact with each other in a simple way. You are recommended to use this API via Forge’s Capability system. Here is how it functions:
- The capabilities are the applications of an interface that deal with a type of logic in relation to Tesla.
- Then, these capabilities will be added to the supported things such as Tile Entity, ItemStack, and Entity.
- After the attachment of the capability, that thing will approach the given tesla logic. Then, it will be shown to things with tesla enabled.
TESLA Mod supports Solar Village which is also a mod of solar energy. The way it functions is the same as the API of other energy mods. For the functioning of this mod in the game, it requires you to install Minecraft Forge.