Bits And Chisels Mod 1.18.2/

Bits And Chisels Mod 1.18.2/1.17.1/1.16.5 is a useful mod with the ability to give Minecraft players lots of new building and crafting tools, to create decorative blocks and design works for the house, as well as improve flexibility. in your building style. Therefore, this mod is really a powerful aid tool that can help you a lot for a building while playing the game.


About Bits And Chisels mod

As its name implies, the mod adds a chisel and a wrench and many methods for the user to copy blueprints as well as store bits.

These tools allow the player to create detailed blocks and designs to decorate the dwelling and increase the flexibility of the building.

That’s why thanks to this mod Building and crafting buildings and weapons will become a lot easier.

Using this mod you can also craft a chisel tool from stone, gold, iron, or diamond and you will be able to trim, gouge, and sculpt blocks to create your own furniture.

You absolutely can create anything to make the world of Minecraft more alive.

Besides, what’s so special about this mod is that it’s not just limited to what players can do with chisels and drills.

You can create dozens of unique designs for each block and use them for different decoration, as well as construction purposes.

If you are a fan of Minecraft and you always search for some mods that help you improve your experiences when playing.

Bits and Chisels mod is really the best choice for you. So that is the reason why you have to use this mod in the future. But please remember to install Minecraft Forge first to help this mod can work effectively. You certainly not be disappointed when you use this mod.


Minecraft Forge

MCMultiPart Mod (Optional)


Custom Fence Design
Custom Fence Design
Custom roof and stone bit path
Custom roof and stone bit path
Find the way to your buried treasure with custom clues
Find the way to your buried treasure with custom clues
A Custom Welcome sign make foam oak trees over a path
A Custom Welcome sign make foam oak trees over a path
Create Stairs with other materials
Create Stairs with other materials
A custom table made of oak logs, planks, and stone.
A custom table made of oak logs, planks, and stone.
Dressing up Quartz Pillars and Accents
Dressing up Quartz Pillars and Accents
Custom Tall Torche
Custom Tall Torche
Custom Windows and More
Custom Windows and More
Create Designs Using Compatiable Mod Blocks
Create Designs Using Compatiable Mod Blocks
Custom Flooring with Various Materials
Custom Flooring with Various Materials
 Custom Catwalk
Custom Catwalk
Creating the Chisels and Bits Logo
Creating the Chisels and Bits Logo


Bricks made with Flat Colored Blocks
Bricks made with Flat Colored Blocks
Custom Light Sources
Custom Light Sources

Custom Bridge
Custom Bridge
Glowing Blocks to create Runes
Glowing Blocks to create Runes
Stained Glass Style designs
Stained Glass Style designs
Aztec Pillar Thing
Aztec Pillar Thing
Stained Glass
Stained Glass
Top Windows
Top Windows
Clay Fountain
Clay Fountain
Water Well
Water Well

Download Links

Minecraft Mod 1.18.2
Minecraft Mod 1.18.1
Minecraft Mod 1.17.1
Minecraft Mod 1.16.5
Minecraft Mod 1.16.4

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