Simply Backpacks Mod 1.18.2

Category: Storage

Simply Backpacks Mod 1.18.2/1.16.5/1.12.2 gives you a solution to the storage problem. You can now carry more items using tiered backpacks.

Simply Backpacks
Simply Backpacks

If the current boxes cannot store enough items, then you can think about using some simple backpacks. These backpacks are known as a good solution to the storage aspect of Minecraft. There are four tiers of backpacks. Each tier has a different number of slots.

  • Common Backpacks: It has 18 stackable items. You can craft it from String, Bone Meal, Leather, and Chest.
  • Uncommon Backpack: It is able to contain 33 stacks. You craft it from Gold Ingot, Block of Gold, Dandelion Yellow, as well as a Common Backpack.
  • Rare Backpack: It allows you to hold 66 stacks. The materials for crafting it are an Uncommon Backpack, Diamond, Block of Diamond, Lapis Lazuli, and Chest.
  • Epic Backpack: You have 99 slots to contain items. It requires some materials such as a Rare Backpack, Magenta Dye, Iron Bars, Chest, and a Nether Star.

You can open the backpacks through a hotkey. This hotkey can toggle an item to be auto collected. Besides, you can whitelist and blacklist items. The mod can also be equipped with Baubles from a bauble slot and Inventory Tweaks.

To run the Simply Backpacks mod in the game, some installations must be done, including Minecraft Forge, Shadowfacts’ ForgelinKotlin Language Adapter.


Minecraft Forge

Shadowfacts’ Forgelin (for 1.12.2)


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Minecraft Mod 1.18.2
Minecraft Mod 1.12.2

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