Dense Ores: Refabricated [Fabric] Mod 1.18.2/1.17.1 is a port of the Dense Ores mod. It will give out plenty of new items that relate to ores and resources.

About Dense Ores: Refabricated
It’s a port of the original by rwtema. Meanwhile, Dense Ores are a special and rare ore variant. They will allow you to obtain 3x the ores when you mine. They will appear at random alongside regular ores in ore veins.
Main features
Each of the 8 overworld ores in dense forms
Deepslate variants
Nether Dense Ores
Customizable generation via the config
Dense Ores: Refabricated is a world gen mod that will grant you newer ores and resources.
- Fabric API
- Fabric Modloader
Download Links
Minecraft Mod 1.18.2
Minecraft Mod 1.18.1
Minecraft Mod 1.17.1