BetterNether Reforged Mod 1.16.5 is not an official port of Paulev’s Fabric mod, “BetterNether”. It’s an improvement for the Nether, with more biomes, plants, and materials.

The mod is a design to improve the Nether. It can exist with other nether mods, especially in world generation.
- Many new plants to the Nether
- New mobs for the Nether
- New unique biomes
- Non-vertical volumetric biome system (aiding other mods)
- New materials, recipes, food, tools, and items
- Possibility to farm several materials by choosing plant farms or mob farms
- Plenty of nether structures like big and rare cities
- Possible to configure the presence of blocks, items, structures, biomes, and plant density
- Integrate with some other mods
Note! It is an unofficial port. All art credit and a majority of code credit belong to the BetterNether Team.
It’s compatible with every tested Nether Biome Mod. if using Biomes o Plenty, you need to access the config and disable “Use BOP Nether”.
BetterNether Reforged is a mod with a lot of additions to enhance the Nether.
- Minecraft Forge
Minecraft Mod 1.16.5