Aroma1997Core Mod 1.12.2/1.10.2/1.7.10 is a library mod that you should install before you operate any other of its author’s mods. It contains three commands related to sleeping.
More information about Aroma1997Core
It is a Minecraft mod that most of the mods of the creator will require. In order to run these items, you need to complete the download and installation first.
It’s a place that comprises functions that the developer applies to his creations. It does not do that much on itself.
The /sleep command to reveal who is not getting some zizz
The /sleep inform command to send notifications to everybody who is not sleeping that you want to go to bed
The /sleep kick command for operators to kick those who are not asleep
Aroma1997Core is an available API and Library mod. It has a lot of versions. To begin, you should download and set up Minecraft Forge.