Natura Mod 1.12.2

Natura Mod 1.12.2/1.10.2/1.7.10 will make the world become more enchanting with exciting worldgen. It offers the user a couple of small additions and other noteworthy changes.

Natura Content

It is a mod that can spice up the world with interesting worldgen. With a few additions, players will not need to hunt animals when they have joined the game.

The release is mostly intuitive. Every item should be sensible. Or, you can find their description when you connect to the playfield.

It is also a worldgen companion to Tinkers’ Construct. It can run nicely with ExtraBiomesXL and Biomes O’ Plenty. Nevertheless, they are not essential for the best experience.

Natura is a mod that is effective to gain ores, resources, and discover more structures. It requires Minecraft Forge to operate.


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Minecraft Mod 1.12.2
Minecraft Mod 1.11.2

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