Darker Depths Mod 1.16.5

Darker Depths Mod 1.16.5 offers an expansion for caves in the game. It consists of many cave biomes along with other features that you can find here!

Darker Depths
Darker Depths

About Darker Depths Mod

It’s a cave expansion release that contains well sought-after elements for the Minecraft caves. Besides, there are a lot of ideas of the authors.

Cave biomes

There are two communities in the first edition. It is the Molten Cavern and the Sandy Catacombs. The 1st biome looks like a volcano and the second place is a dead underground desert.

Carver updates

Many larger and opener caves will appear into the mix. They include pillars to improve the caverns’ atmosphere.

General game theory and objectives

They are for the current mod. The development team wanted to make caves rewarding. In which, players cannot survive forever when they are traveling. Creators planned to expand the location.

Cave biomes should make characters exciting to seek and loot valuable stuff, for example, coal.

Features will be newer and more meaningful.

Darker Depths is a cosmetic mod for Adventure and RPG. It requires BGCore and Minecraft Forge!


Download Links

Minecraft Mod 1.16.5

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