Ender Storage Mod 1.7.10/1.6.4/1.5.2 is used for preserving your items in the End of Minecraft. The mod features two storage types for you to use.
Storing items is also an important task. You will need items for the storage aspect when you want to keep and preserve your items. For instance, you can use Ender Bags given by the storage mod called Ender Storage.
The mod allows you to put items into the bags then store them there. You can give a color code to the bags so you can approach the chests. There are two types of bags, including EnderChest and EnderPouch.
- EnderChest: This is a stationary type of chest of the mod. You can use three dyes to craft it as well as make changes to the color code. It functions like other chests. You use it to transport items over distances.
- EnderPouch: This is a mobile type of chest. You can put it on any EnderChest to modify the pouch color code. It can approach your base resources in an easy way.
Ender Storage seems to be a good solution to your problem about storing items and conveying items over distance. The mod also requires the installation of Minecraft Forge for it to run in the game.
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