ExperimentAway Mod 1.16.1

ExperimentAway 1.16.1 is a mod you can install on the client only. It eliminates the warning you see when you use experimental settings.

Making worlds in Minecraft seems to be an interesting thing for all players to do. You can freely create your own worlds if you want. However, you will usually see experimental settings in the world creation or load whenever you create one. Some players feel annoyed when a warning appears. Therefore, a Miscellaneous mod was made to eliminate that warning. It is ExperimentAway. When you apply the mod to the game, the warning will vanish.

When you are on a world-creation screen, you will see a message like this: “Worlds using Experimental Settings are not supported”. Now, you know how ExperimentAway works. To launch it in the game, make sure you install Minecraft Fabric first. Enjoy the mod!


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Minecraft Mod 1.16.1

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