Fabric’s Biome Api Reforged 1.16.5 is a mod as well as a port of Fabric biomes API to Forge. It will meet the biome mod situation on Forge needs.
Fabric’s Biome Api Reforged Functionality
The developer makes the mod because he knows that the biome mod situation on forge is now a mass. Additionally, he recognizes that when he tries to port Terrestria to forge.
He hopes this can handle the issue by being an API that 1.16 forge biome mods use individually. It removes conflicts that have started from numerous methods the other biome mods have used to add their biomes to the overworld.
Even, don’t help him begin on the nether or end. Basically, it does not exist. Everybody has to replace the biome provider of the nether. That leads to a lot of matters with conflicts.
He wishes this can solve all of the problems.
Note! The process is still in alpha. He can utilize input from some of the other developers of the other biome mods.
Fabric’s Biome Api Reforged is an API and Library mod about Biomes. At the moment, the forge biome API list is not supported.
- Minecraft Forge
- Minecraft Forge must be installed in advance.