Large Ore Deposits Mod 1.19.2/1.18.2/1.12.2 brings lots of ore deposits that are quite rare and massive. You can search for them and use them for crafting items.

All the new ore deposits added by this Ores and Resources mod for Minecraft are quite rare. Therefore, once you have found them, you may become rich. They also aim to enhance your mining process. Here are some crucial features you can use in the mod:
- You can customize ore deposits using easy parameters.
- The configurations can be defined previously for the most regular ores.
- There are several commands in the game you can use to test and change.
- The mod can be used with the modded ores as well.
- You can make mixed ore deposits using particular ore proportions.
- You are able to create various parameters as well as limitations for various dimensions and biomes.
- Here are the supported ores that are available in the mod by default:
- Amethyst
- Aluminum
- Copper
- Diamond
- Emerald
- And so forth
Large Ore Deposits must have Minecraft Forge and ForgeEndertech library installed.
Instructions on installing Large Ore Deposits Mod
- Minecraft Forge must be installed in advance.
- On your computer, you start finding the Minecraft application folder. There are two ways to find the application, depending on the OS you are using:
- For Windows PC, from the Start menu, you start “Run” then type like this: “%appdata%”. Select “Run” when everything is done.
- For Mac, you launch finder and press down ALT. Then, you select Go and choose Library displayed in the top menu bar. Next, you will access the Application Support folder where you will find Minecraft.
- You put the downloaded Large Ore Deposits Mod into the Mods folder.
- Start to open the game then select the mods button. This is when you know the Large Ore Deposits Mod is already installed.
Large Ore Deposits Mod Download Links
Minecraft Mod 1.19.2
Minecraft Mod 1.18.2
Minecraft Mod 1.16.5
Minecraft Mod 1.12.2