The small LLibrary Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2/1.10.2 introduces a shared code for other mods. Here is how it works and the best way you can use its functions!
About LLibrary
It’s possible to experience the following features after the installation.
Enhanced animation API and other animation equipment
Lightweight ASM utilities
Simple structure tools to deploy
Expandable command builder
Newer player render events
Strong entity data handlers
Better GUI framework …
It appears with some visual tweaks.
Supplemented the mod name of the chosen item to tooltips.
In 1.7.10, it drops the modid and registry name if the advanced tooltips are active.
Added snackbars
We have a piece that you can copy and paste:
repositories { maven { url} } dependencies { deobfCompile “net.ilexiconn:llibrary:1.7.19-1.12.2”}
Install Java 8u102 or higher when the product is not existing in your project if you launch the Gradle script.
You can add it to the dependencies.
LLibrary is a free API and Library mod. Install Minecraft Forge to test it!