Paxi Mod 1.18.2

Paxi (Forge) 1.18.2/1.16.5 is a mod for global, automatic data, along with resource packs. Run the new utility and experience all of its functions for free!


About Paxi

You are playing with its Forge version. These are the main features or possibilities of the mod.

When you start the edition for the first time, the paxi folder will spawn in your Minecraft config directory.

It’s simple but ideal for mod pack creators.

Data packs

From the paxi folder, there is a datapacks folder for data packs.

That folder appears for you the first time you generate or load a world with the present release.

Any data packs in this folder can auto-load into any world you play.

When you’re playing, you can choose /datapack list to view every active data pack in pink text.

Support both ZIP files and regular folders!

Data packs can load in a specific order.

At first, the datapack_load_order.json file will form in the paxi directory. It’s feasible to fill the JSON file with a set of data pack folder names in your favorite order. Using that file is completely optional,

Resource Packs

In the paxi folder, there is a resourcepacks folder for resource packs. The folder pops up when you launch Minecraft and Paxi.

Any resource packs in the folder will automatically load if you begin the game.

Also supports ZIP files and regular folders!

Paxi (Forge) is a server utility mod. It requires you to download and install Minecraft Forge. It depends on YUNG’s API.

Download Links

Minecraft Mod 1.18.2
Minecraft Mod 1.16.5

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