Prestige Mod 1.12.2 gives the modpack makers the ability to make progression systems. These systems will expand one world file.
There are plenty of commands that you can use in this Server Utility mod for Minecraft. You can add the commands to the quests or advancements. Or, they can be used for running command blocks. You make use of these commands to get “Prestige Points”. You then use these points to unlock lots of rewards you have defined. There is also a prestige reward shop when a new world is started. You can purchase something if you have enough points for it. Or, the command can be utilized for approaching GUI at pre-set progression points.
The commands are diverse, including:
- /prestige: You will know all the commands added by the mod.
- /prestige add [source]: The command gives you a defined amount of prestige points.
- /prestige remove player : You can eliminate points.
- /prestige open [player]: You use this command to approach the prestige reward GUI. If there is no player is defined, the GUI will be available for the player that is operating the command.
- /prestige info: You will know all information about the prestige points you currently have.
Prestige Mod runs on Minecraft Forge as well. Make sure you install Forge before you install the mod.