Unofficial Wild Update Recreation Mod 1.16.5 recreates all features that the author introduced in the 2021 Minecraft Live. These items relate to the 1.19 Wild Update.

Existing features
- 3 variants of frogs for each temperature
- Tadpoles, feed them seagrass to reduce growing time. You can carry them in buckets.
- Fireflies in swamps
- New Mangrove tree, comprising every part of the wood set (excluding doors, fence gates, and trapdoors)
- Propagules grow on Mangrove trees. They fall down and plant themselves.
- Functional Boats with Chests (with no paddles)
- Mud and Mud Bricks (containing full brick set)
- Sculk blocks
- Sculk catalyst, transforms nearby experience orbs into sculk blocks
- Sculk veins
- Sculk shrieker (somewhat buggy)
- Warden, hears the player move but not when they’re sneaking or on carpet/wool
- Clay renewability to put mud on top of a block that has an iron bar underneath and wait.
Known issues
- Sculk Veins don’t rotate.
- Mangrove planks may not work for some recipes.
Missing features
- Cannot place Sculk Veins on walls or ceilings
- Deep Dark Cities
- Allays, copper golem, or glare
- Deep Dark Biome
- Warden reacting to other sounds
Unofficial Wild Update Recreation is a mod with content around biomes, world gen, and more.
- Minecraft Forge
Minecraft Mod 1.16.5