ZeroCore Mod 1.18.2

ZeroCore Mod 1.18.2/1.16.5/1.12.2 includes a set of and an API for other mods to use. This code set will manage the standard game mechanics.


Because this API and Library mod is just a supportive modification, it will not give any effects on the game. This is when it is installed alone in Minecraft. Instead, this core mod helps other mods run. All the mods that receive support from this one share the same code. Therefore, the author decided to integrate this code into this core mod so the file’s size can be reduced and time can be saved. Since this is a pre-written core mod for other modders to use, you just simply install it in a mod that requires it.

Here are the standard mechanics that will be handled by the code in this core mod, for instance:

  • The basic configuration handler comes with integrated support for the config changes in the game.
  • The basic pre generator as well as re-generation.
  • There are some helper classes with blockstate properties for managing the connected textures.
  • There is also a new GUI system.
  • Some handlers aim to process the network messages on the accurate thread.
  • The core mod also executes a base TileEntity that will make the data synchronization between server and far clients, updates, and GUI controlling much simpler.

Besides, the core mod also contains a rewritten multiblock API that gives support to many client mods without performance penalties. ZeroCore comes with a small requirement as well, which is that Minecraft Forge has to be previously installed.


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Minecraft Mod 1.18.2
Minecraft Mod 1.16.5
Minecraft Mod 1.16.4
Minecraft Mod 1.12.2

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