B.A.S.E Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2/1.10.2 is a library mod and a standalone mod at the same time. It was designed to combine materials and ores of the same names.

This API and Library mod was made by The Acronym Coders. They made it to combine all the ores and resources with the same names that were added by other different mods. It must be annoying to have different resources with different colors, functions, as well as origins. Sometimes, you see that there are many discrepant ores. However, in fact, they are the same, only textures and origins are different. If you are in those cases, then installing the B.A.S.E mod will give you a solution.
The main function of the mod is to allow you to combine all ores and resources into one general resource with one texture. The mod will make that texture in the form of a template. You can also utilize the mod with the MineTweaker to make your own materials.
Here are all the items that this mod supports:
- Nuggets
- Ingots
- Ores
- Gear
- Dust
- Plate
- Storage block
B.A.S.E will only perform in the game if you meet its requirement which is installing Minecraft Forge previously.