DiscordSuite Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2/1.10.2 allows discord to detect you while you’re playing Minecraft. Additionally, it helps other users learn more news about what you are doing in the game.
Other facts about DiscordSuite
In other words, the product will supplement discord-rich presence support to the existing sandbox game. Here is the list of the main features. They are also the possibilities that you receive after you connect to the mod.
Makes the information of the game become better
Displays the info about the mod pack that you are currently connecting to
Shows up the present dimension that you are staying in
Follows and finds the elapsed time the player has played a game
DiscordSuite is an API and Library mod that relates to Twitch Integration. It’s useful to handle cosmetic issues as well. In order to delve deeper into the content and launch every capability, remember to download and install Minecraft Forge!