Hammer (Lib) Core Mod 1.16.5/1.15.2/1.12.2 is a utility mod that consists of very helpful code for many mods. It introduces various items useful for users and modders.

Functions of Hammer (Lib) Core
It is a core that will offer:
For users:
TickSlip to decrease the speed of tile entities (can change in configs), helpful for server maintainers
Enhanced LAN features (headed to Custom LAN Ports)
Colored Lightning API (needs Colored Lux)
Themes (only for brewing stand and furnace from vanilla)
New splash texts
New game rules
hc_rainfall to disable rain entirely (default: true)
hc_falldamagemult to edit fall damage multiplier for entities
Some commands
For modders:
Rendering API to display more effectively and easily
Utility code to diminish the code to the minimum
Helpers for Thread, Inventory, ItemStack, TileEntity, World, Java class, etc.
Sound API to play sounds easier
PacketAPI (currently with NBTTagCompound)
FluidDictionary to manger fluid smoother
Fluid and Item Containers & Matchers to compare items
Math utils
Smooth GUI progress bars for furnace and brewing stand
Multi-hitbox API for blocks
Multipart API to pace everything in one block
Explosion API
Shader API
Recipe API
Wrench API
Config API
Book API
World Gen API
World Retro Gen API
Chunkload API
Custom glint
Common widgets and UI rendering:
Energy Bar rendering
Default furnace progress bar
FluidTank renderer with JEI-like tooltip on hover
State square
And more on GitLab
Hammer (Lib) Core is an API and Library mod. It requires you to download and install Minecraft Forge.