Stuff A Sock In It Mod 1.14.4/1.12.2/1.10.2 helps the user set up filters for the game logger. It allows them to block certain logging messages from appearing in the console or client log file.

How to control the Stuff A Sock In It mod
The owner released the mod for mod packs. These can utilize the current creation to delete unnecessary information or other inessential log entries.
Remember that using it can make log files smaller! Additionally, it will make actual errors and issues appear faster.
In a few cases, it can ameliorate the load time of Minecraft a bit as well.
Filter sorts
Currently, there are 2 types of filters that you can deploy by means of the existing project.
When the string of the tool exists within the message, the device will filter it. For instance, if the filter is “hello”, the message “hello world” will be filtered.
While the message matches the regex filter, it’ll be filtered.
The product you are checking is not a core mod.
Removing info is bad or dangerous, depending on the situation.
By default, it will not clear anything. You should configure it by resetting the /config/sasit.cfg file.
Stuff A Sock In It is a server utility mod. Download and install Minecraft Forge to join!