LotTweaks Mod 1.18.2/1.16.5/1.12.2 released a couple of tweaks for builders to enhance productivity in the Creative game mode. Key features and all important details are available right here!
Main Features of LotTweaks
Have many crucial points that you can find in the existing creation.
Extend the range of breaking or placing or selecting blocks
Generate block-group with route
‘AdjustRange’ key (requires the client and server-side installation): Reset the max distance of putting or mining cubes.
‘Rotate’ key (client-side): Press it and use the mouse wheel to switch the current chunk to the next one in a group
‘Replace’ key (install client + server-side): Take the position of the block that you’re looking at by using the one in your main hand
‘Ex Pick’ key (client-side): make “Pick block” larger. Long press & wheel to choose near ones.
/lottweaks add (Client): Register items in the Hotbar as a new block-group. To do that as sub-group, deploy `/lottweaks add 2 (LT v2.0.4+ is asked)
/lottweaks reload (Client): load again block-groups from the config
LotTweaks is a server utility mod that helps you feel more comfortable when playing Minecraft. It offers information about the main object. Download and install Minecraft Forge to start now!