LagGoggles Mod 1.12.2

LagGoggles Mod 1.12.2/1.10.2 is a profiler useful for you to check timings in the world in a visual way. It contains a custom GUI and other notable features.

How to use LagGoggle

You can utilize LagGoggles as a player. The author generates an understanding of what causes lag on a server to regular gamers.

It’s possible to look around and see small stuff.

The present change can profile clientside FPS as of version 4.0. This’s workable on rendering entities only.

It pops up a GUI using a configurable keybind. Besides, it can exist with SpongeForge and Mixin.

Main features

Teleport to sources of lag

Client GUI, comprising overlay and clickable menus

Calculations are complete on the client. Each client has a diverse color scale.

The color scale for easy searching lag

Clientside FPS support

Look for render time for entities, tile entities, and event subscribers

Offers some insight into what can spawn FPS issues

Config for client

LagGoggles is a server utility mod. Advantages include visualization of different sources of lag and learning your players to build lag-free bases. It requires Minecraft Forge. It’s essential to install TickCentral for versions above 5.3.


Download Links

Minecraft Mod 1.12.2
Minecraft Mod 1.10.2

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